Thursday 20 December 2012

Fresh Muslim Fashion Ideas for 2013

The New Year brings with it a fresh chance to reinvent yourself. Many people’s New Year resolutions revolve around the opportunity to mould themselves into the form they want to be. Whether that is through self-help routines or appearance alterations, it is up to the individual. The latter is very simple to do with a little help from Islamic Fashion.

Starting from the top, literally, a fresh prayer hat can really kick start a new look. If you are feeling confident then a fresh and totally new colour can be sought in the hat. Eschewing the tired black and white tones, allow yourself to experience something new. Colours such as olive and dark red look set to be incredibly fashionable whilst retaining a sense of modesty. The prayer hat is a vital part of Islamic Fashion and faith.


A crisp new Jubba can offset almost any look, style and occasion. Worn for both formal and informal occasions, the Jubba is as versatile as it is comfortable. Using the same colour pallet but a different tone to the prayer hat, a consistent look can be created without appearing like a large single block of colour. One of the useful side-benefits of the Jubba is the manner in which they complement a wide range of Muslim Dresses.
The New Year is the perfect time to bring in a new signature scent. One of the quintessential masculine acts is to find a signature scent and stick with it for years. It can serve as a calming influence for your children or wife. The scent reminds them of you and the love you bestow upon them. From the classic old spice of the 1970s and 80s to modern classic like Ralph Lauren; each generation has had a signature scent. Tom Ford and Paco Rabanne are two of the most popular up-and-coming scent designers of the decade.

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